What is the Virid Flame?
Have you ever felt that the world and everything around you was one big story? Who is the author of that Great Story? Is it you? Is it your friends and neighbors, or your church and community leaders? Where is this story going, and how does it end?
I explore these questions and so much more in a new, exciting fantasy series called The Virid Flame. In these tales there is much that is wrong with the world, including the persistence of a force that is both wondrous and destructive – the Virid Flame. In this world a cursed few have power within their very souls that brings both glorious life and horrific devastation.
Virid means life. Why, then, does the Virid Flame also bring so much death? If you seek this truth, the answer will find you. You will find that it has been there all along, waiting for you to remember how to look for it. Rediscover the truth hidden just beneath the surface of The Virid Flame.